Mountain and ski guides in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Mountain and ski guides in Almaty, Kazakhstan


As well as being beautiful, mountains can also be dangerous – in ways which are not always obvious to those who are don’t know them well. Rockfalls, avalanches, crevasses – all these and more can bring your hike or backcountry skiing expedition to an early end.

Our mountain and ski guides are highly qualified professionals with many years of experience in the mountains. Their main task is to ensure the safety of their group by assessing the risks and choosing the safest routes up and down the mountain.

FrozenRocks’ mountain guides have climbed, hiked and skied in the area around Almaty for many years, and are waiting to show you the best freeride and skitour spots in the Zailiiskii Alatay. They’ll help you see our mountains in a completely new light!
Individual or group backcountry tours are available – or you can book one of our guided freeride programmes or skitour schools. You can find more information on the programmes available in the calendar section.

In addition to guided tours in the area around Almaty (the Zailiiskii Alatau and Northern Tien Shan) we can help you arrange trekking tours in the Central Tien Shan, Pamir, Altay and Caucasus mountains. Our guides have experience of guiding on peaks including Peak Lenina (7,134m), Khan Tengri (7,010m), Marble Wall (6,400m), Belukha (4,506m) Kazbek, Elbrus, Mustag-Ata and others.

To find out more or book a guide, please fill in the form below or contact us.

Mountain and Ski Guides

Yuliya Polyakova
Yuliya Polyakova
Programme Director
Yuliya is the founder and Programme Director of the FrozenRocks freeride project. She's been skiing for ten years and is
Sergey Brodskiy
Sergey Brodskiy
Senior guide, avalanche safety instructor
Sergey is a professional IFMGA-qualified mountain guide and mountain rescue specialist, a former member of the Kazakhstan national mountaineering team,
Oleg Shkutin
Oleg Shkutin
Guide and instructor
Oleg is a member of the Shymbulak Ski Patrol and Avalanche Safety Team, and is studying for a mountain guide

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