Backcountry on the Tuyuk-Su glacier Backcountry on the Tuyuk-Su glacier

Backcountry on the Tuyuk-Su glacier

 April — June
 Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Tuyuk-Su glacier is located on the Northern slopes of the Trans-Ili Alatau range. The peaks around the glacier form a horseshoe-shaped ridge that includes several summits over four thousand metres: Peak Ordzhonikidze, Peak Partizan, Peak Tuyuk-Su, Peak Igly Tuyuk-Su, Peak Pogrebetsky, Peak Manshuk Mametova, Peak Mayakovsky, Peak Lokomotiv, Peak Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Peak Molodezhny, and Peak Titov.

The skiable part of the glacier is about 3,5 km long and its width ranges between 300 and 1,500 m.

Season: September-November, March-June.

Tuyuk-su glacier in Almaty, Kazakhstan

riders on the top of the peak in Almaty, Kazakhstan

glacier on Tuyuk-su and Pogreb

splitboarding in Tuyuk-su, Almaty

Skitour on Tuyuk-su glacier and Pogreb peak

Tuyuk-su peak and skiers in Kazakhstan

splitboarding on the Tuyuk-su glacier in Kazakhstan

Tuyuk-su glacier research station

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